Tour Privato di Mezza Giornata al Parco delle Sequoie Giganti di Muir Woods


Perché dovresti visitare il Monumento Nazionale di Muir Woods? Perché scegliere un Tour privato? Il Monumento Nazionale di Muir Woods è la sede delle famose Sequoie Costiere giganti, gli alberi più alti del pianeta. Sapevi che queste sequoie sono così alte che impilando tre di loro si raggiunge l’altezza della Torre Eiffel di Parigi? Ed aggiungendone un’altra sulla sommità, si raggiunge l’altezza dell’Empire State Building di New York!

Sappiamo tutti quanto sia scomodo viaggiare su un grande bus turistico a causa della sua dimensione e dell’incapacità di percorrere alcune strade e quartieri. Scegliendo di prenotare un tour privato con Golden Horizon Tours, stai scegliendo la qualità piuttosto che la quantità. Sarai accompagnato dalla tua professionale guida turistica che non è soltanto un autista; questa ti condurrà tra le imponenti sequoie fornendoti informazioni dettagliate a proposito di queste meraviglie della natura. Le guide turistiche saranno polivalenti: autisti fidati, guide turistiche e fotografi, impegnati affinché ogni loro tour sia unico ed eccitante per la gioia di tutti.

Golden Horizon Tours offre veicoli SUV 4X4 top di gamma e VAN di lusso. Durante il tuo viaggio, la guida turistica farà in modo di concederti un gran numero di opportunità per immortalare il paesaggio, decidendo perfino di spegnere il veicolo! Personalizziamo i nostri tour privati per soddisfare le tue esigenze. Scegliamo inoltre di viaggiare attraverso strade secondarie che altri tour operator e bus turistici non percorrono, per garantire ai nostri clienti un’originale esperienza. Per i gruppi che viaggiano con bambini, possiamo modificare il tour per potersi adattare al divertimento di tutti.

Il nostro tour di Muir Woods include anche una piccola gita al belvedere di Muir Woods Beach (tempo permettendo). Durante il tuo viaggio visiterai inoltre Sausalito e Marin Headlands, dove godrai di viste mozzafiato del Golden Gate Bridge e della baia di San Francisco. Le nostre visite guidate sono completamente personalizzabili per fornirti l’occasione di visitare tutto ciò che desideri! I prezzi dei nostri viaggi includono tutte le tasse applicabili ed i biglietti d’ ingresso al parco di Muir Woods, senza costi aggiuntivi.

Descrizione della Visita Guidata a Muir Woods e Sausalito

Perché dovresti visitare il Monumento Nazionale di Muir Woods? Perché scegliere un Tour privato? Il Monumento Nazionale di Muir Woods è la sede delle famose Sequoie Costiere giganti, gli alberi più alti del pianeta. Sapevi che queste sequoie sono così alte che impilando tre di loro si raggiunge l’altezza della Torre Eiffel di Parigi? Ed aggiungendone un’altra sulla sommità, si raggiunge l’altezza dell’Empire State Building di New York!

Sappiamo tutti quanto sia scomodo viaggiare su un grande bus turistico a causa della sua dimensione e dell’incapacità di percorrere alcune strade e quartieri. Scegliendo di prenotare un tour privato con Golden Horizon Tours, stai scegliendo la qualità piuttosto che la quantità. Sarai accompagnato dalla tua professionale guida turistica che non è soltanto un autista; questa ti condurrà tra le imponenti sequoie fornendoti informazioni dettagliate a proposito di queste meraviglie della natura. Le guide turistiche saranno polivalenti: autisti fidati, guide turistiche e fotografi, impegnati affinché ogni loro tour sia unico ed eccitante per la gioia di tutti.

Golden Horizon Tours offre veicoli SUV 4X4 top di gamma e VAN di lusso. Durante il tuo viaggio, la guida turistica farà in modo di concederti un gran numero di opportunità per immortalare il paesaggio, decidendo perfino di spegnere il veicolo! Personalizziamo i nostri tour privati per soddisfare le tue esigenze. Scegliamo inoltre di viaggiare attraverso strade secondarie che altri tour operator e bus turistici non percorrono, per garantire ai nostri clienti un’originale esperienza. Per i gruppi che viaggiano con bambini, possiamo modificare il tour per potersi adattare al divertimento di tutti.

Il nostro tour di Muir Woods include anche una piccola gita al belvedere di Muir Woods Beach (tempo permettendo). Durante il tuo viaggio visiterai inoltre Sausalito e Marin Headlands, dove godrai di viste mozzafiato del Golden Gate Bridge e della baia di San Francisco. Le nostre visite guidate sono completamente personalizzabili per fornirti l’occasione di visitare tutto ciò che desideri! I prezzi dei nostri viaggi includono tutte le tasse applicabili ed i biglietti d’ ingresso al parco di Muir Woods, senza costi aggiuntivi.

Offriamo tour privati personalizzati mattutini e pomeridiani con SUV o VAN di lusso. I nostri viaggi con SUV 4X4 sono i più richiesti ed altamente raccomandati.

Per saperne di più sui nostri tour quotidiani personalizzati di Muir Woods e Sausalito ti preghiamo di consultare il nostro itinerario di viaggio riportato di seguito.

Itinerario e Programma del Tour di Mezza Giornata al Parco di Muir Woods

Durante la prenotazione online, ti preghiamo di selezionare il Tour Mattutino (AM) o Pomeridiano (PM)

La nostra Gita Mattutina a Muir Woods si effettua dalle 9:00 alle 13:00

La nostra Gita Pomeridiana a Muir Woods si effettua dalle 14:30 alle 18:30

Le nostre gite private durano 4 ore e sono completamente personalizzabili in base alle tue esigenze

  • Trasferimento di andata dal tuo
  • Programma: puoi prenotare il nostro tour privato mattutino o pomeridiano di Muir Woods e Sausalito
  • Partenza alle 9:00 per il Tour Mattutino o alle 14:30 per il Tour Pomeridiano
  • Arrivo a Muir Woods attraverso Mill Valley o tramite la Pacific Highway 1
  • Escursione nell’antica foresta si Sequoie Giganti (alberi di oltre1200 anni)
  • È possibile spendere più o meno tempo nella foresta di Muir Woods a seconda delle esigenze
  • Goditi una tranquilla passeggiata a Muir Woods dove, per mantenere la tranquillità, non sono ammesse le guide turistiche
  • Viaggia verso il Belvedere di Muir Beach sulla California Pacific Highway 1 e ammira le meravigliose vedute
  • Visita Sausalito- Una città costiera in stile mediterraneo in cui potrai cenare accompagnato dalla splendida vista della baia
  • Scopri la comunità delle case galleggianti di Sausalito dove Otis Redding scrisse la celebre canzone “Sitting on the dock of the bay”
  • Sosta a Sausalito per un drink o una cena e rientro in città in base ai tuoi tempi con il traghetto che attraversa la baia (i biglietti del traghetto non sono inclusi ma decisamente abbordabili). Questa sosta pomeridiana gratuita è raccomandata e molto richiesta
  • Raggiungi lo splendido belvedere del Golden Gate Bridge “Colline panoramiche del promontorio di Marin”
  • Ritorno in hotel alle 17:00 – tutti i nostri tour sono privati e personalizzabili in base alle tue necessità e preferenze

Tour Privato a Noleggio con VAN di Lusso (minibus)


Questo Tour in auto di lusso è completamente privato ed il prezzo è a persona.

Prezzo a persona 1 persona 2 persone 3 persone 4 persone 5 persone 6 persone 7 persone
Hotel Accommodation Excluded $528.00 $219.00 $185.00 $155.00 $135.00 $119.00 $109.00
Prezzo a persona 1 persona 2 persone 3 persone 4 persone 5 persone 6 persone 7 persone
Hotel Accommodation Excluded $528.00 $219.00 $185.00 $155.00 $135.00 $119.00 $109.00

Prenota questo tour in SUV

Seleziona data dal calendario


Total $ USD

Tour Privato a Noleggio con VAN di Lusso (minibus)


Questo Tour con VAN è completamente privato e non disponibile per prenotazioni pubbliche o individuali. Il prezzo è a gruppo e non a persona.

Price per group 1-5 persone 6-7 persone 8-10 persone 11-12 persone 13-14 persone
Hotel Accommodation Excluded $769.00 $829.00 $1039.00 $1129.00 $1259.00
Price per group 1-5 persone 6-7 persone 8-10 persone 11-12 persone 13-14 persone
Hotel Accommodation Excluded $769.00 $829.00 $1039.00 $1129.00 $1259.00

Prenota questo tour in VAN/minibus di 14 passeggeri

Seleziona data dal calendario


Total $ USD

Inclusi nel prezzo del tour: Trasferimento di andata e ritorno al centro città di San Francisco o Fisherman’ Wharf, tutte le tasse applicabili, biglietti d’ingreso al parco di Muir Woods, un tour guidato privato di 4 ore.

Non inclusi nel prezzo del tour: Il prezzo non include i pasti, la mancia per il conducente, fuori orario, attività o servizi facoltativi.

Tutti i nostri tour sono in inglese se non diversamente indicato

Policy cancellazione e reso

Termini e politica di rimborso


Termini e Condizioni generali


Ransazioni rifiutate


I nostri Termini in merito al rimborso e alla politica di cancellazione sono i seguenti

Termini e politica di rimborso

-Il 91% dell'importo totale verrà rimborsato sulla vostra carta di credito se annullate il viaggio almeno 15 giorni lavorativi prima del tour programmato (o la data del tour o del servizio). Il restante 9% copre le spese di transazione richieste; si tratta del 4,5% per ciascuna transazione (la prenotazione è una transazione e il rimborso è una seconda transazione che ci viene anche addebitata). (i fine settimana e le festività non contano).

-Il 50% dell'importo totale verrà rimborsato se il tour viene annullato almeno 7 giorni lavorativi prima della data o del servizio previsti per il tour. (i fine settimana e le festività non contano).

-Il 15% dell'importo totale verrà rimborsato se il tour viene cancellato almeno 5 giorni lavorativi prima della data programmata del tour (i weekend e le festività non vengono conteggiati).

-Lo 0% dell'importo totale verrà rimborsato se il tour viene annullato entro 4 giorni lavorativi, o meno, prima del giorno del tour o del servizio programmato. Questo comprende i no-show. (i fine settimana e le festività non contano)

Si prega di notare che tutti i rimborsi sono soggetti alle commissioni della carta di credito e dei commercianti imposte dalle società di carte di credito e dalle banche mercantili o fornitori. L'importo medio delle commissioni per le carte di credito e le transazioni commerciali può variare tra il 3,9% e il 9,8% dell'importo totale del vostro acquisto (transazione), in base al tipo di carta di credito utilizzata al momento della prenotazione di questo tour, l'emittente della carta di credito, il Paese e le commissioni di conversione a cui siamo soggetti per ogni transazione. Molti paesi stranieri applicano ulteriori commissioni di conversione e di emissione.

Importante: si prega di notare che vi riserviamo le date che avete richiesto e prenotato sul nostro sito web, e che per queste date abbiamo rifiutato di prendere altri tour per onorare il vostro. Teniamo una guida turistica e un veicolo di lusso in stand-by e prendiamo tutte le prenotazioni e gli accordi necessari per voi e la vostro gruppo, quindi per favore non cambiate la data o annullate all'ultimo minuto, dato che abbiamo altri clienti e tour da onorare.

Termini e Condizioni generali

- Prenotazione e conferma: non appena si prenota online, viene generata automaticamente, e inviata per email, la ricevuta del commerciante. Confermeremo inoltre la vostra prenotazione per email e vi invieremo un voucher del tour o un'email di conferma della data di prenotazione, tour e orario di pick-up. Questa conferma/ voucher del tour è valida solo per la data specifica da voi prenotata sul nostro sito, ed è valida solo per i nomi indicati nella prenotazione. Non è possibile trasferire i nomi o chiedere una data diversa, perché abbiamo altri tour da onorare. Non è possibile modificare la data del tour entro 15 giorni dalla data programmata del tour da voi prenotato, e non ci saranno giorni alternativi offerti.

Nel tentativo di onorare tutti i tour, ci riserviamo il diritto di collaborare con altri tour operator, liberi professionisti e/o nostre consociate. Il nome esatto e le informazioni di contatto del tour operator saranno indicati sul voucher del tour e la conferma del viaggio verrà emessa apposta per voi dopo che avremo ricevuto la transazione approvata.

-Tutte le visite sono soggette a disponibilità, in quanto possiamo ricevere più richieste di tour contemporaneamente. Le transazioni di pagamento approvate non garantiscono il tour, a meno che questo non sia stato confermato per email.

Transazioni rifiutate:

Si prega di notare che quando le transazioni vengono rifiutate, non riceviamo alcuna informazione in merito, quindi non aspettatevi che la vostra prenotazione sia a posto finché non ricevete una conferma scritta. Vi preghiamo di contattarci al più presto, ma non aspettatevi che onoriamo il vostro tour senza una conferma per email e un voucher del tour inviato da parte nostra.

Se la vostra prenotazione è stata rifiutata dalla vostra banca, ciò è spesso dovuto a una mancata corrispondenza tra i vostri dati bancari (come i nomi sulla carta di credito, il codice di avviamento postale o l'indirizzo di fatturazione) rispetto alle informazioni bancarie da voi fornite sul nostro sito quando avete effettuato l'ordine. A volte, le transazioni vengono rifiutate anche a causa di fondi insufficienti. Il vostro (o i vostri) tour non saranno confermati fino a quando la vostra nuova transazione non sarà approvata dalla vostra banca. Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente, ma la vostra banca lo fa per prevenire le frodi e proteggere i dati della vostra carta di credito, o per uno dei suddetti fattori.

Tutti i nostri tour sono soggetti a disponibilità anche quando le transazioni sono approvate. Vi risponderemo al più presto e vi faremo sapere se i tour e le date richieste sono ancora disponibili. Inoltre, tutti i nostri tour sono condotti in inglese a meno che non sia specificato diversamente nell'email o nel voucher di conferma del tour che vi invieremo al più presto, una volta che la transazione sia stata approvata. Ci riserviamo il diritto di offrirvi sostituti idonei o modifiche all'itinerario, tour o servizi a causa di eventi speciali, condizioni meteorologiche, chiusure di strade, guasti del veicolo, circostanze imprevedibili, indisponibilità e/o a causa di prenotazioni last minute. Non ci assumiamo alcuna responsabilità per ritardi causati da incidenti, guasti, problemi o eventi imprevisti, strade, condizioni meteorologiche e/o tutte le altre circostanze al di fuori del nostro controllo. Non garantiamo l'arrivo o la partenza da un qualsiasi punto in un momento specifico, per le stesse considerazioni precedenti. Tuttavia, faremo del nostro meglio per onorare l'itinerario del tour e programmarlo di conseguenza.

Mancia: negli Stati Uniti viene normalmente richiesta una mancia dal 15 al 20%. In generale, una mancia può variare tra il 15% e il 20% dell'importo totale dell'acquisto, oppure può essere un importo fisso vicino alla percentuale appropriata. Dipende davvero dalla situazione e dalla vostra generosità, perché, senza le mance, le guide turistiche non potrebbero prosperare nel costoso stato della California; e, senza le guide turistiche, non potremmo gestire questa attività. Grazie per la vostra generosità e comprensione.

Muir Woods National Monument e Alcatraz richiedono un prenotazione minima anticipata di 2 mesi. Entrambi sono gestiti dal servizio del parco nazionale, non da noi, e richiedono permessi speciali e prenotazioni anticipate di 2 o 3 mesi. Se prenotate il vostro tour meno di 2 mesi prima, la vostra prenotazione non è garantita e la transizione sarà rimborsata.

Yosemite Hotels and Resorts: gli hotel a Yosemite sono spesso prenotati con un anticipo da 6 a 12 mesi. Se riceviamo la prenotazione entro 3 mesi dalla data del tour, ci riserviamo il diritto di rimborsarti o di trovare un hotel alternativo al di fuori di Yosemite. TOUR AEREI: Tutti i nostri tour aerei, tra cui mongolfiera, tour in idrovolante e tour in elicottero, hanno una possibilità di cancellazione dell'80% a causa di condizioni meteorologiche impreviste. Il tempo è imprevedibile e cambia continuamente, e la vostra sicurezza è molto importante per noi.

Lingue straniere: i nostri tour sono condotti in inglese, se non diversamente indicato sul voucher del tour. Alcune lingue straniere sono soggette a costi aggiuntivi. Per tutte le lingue straniere, è necessario prenotare un tour privato e non un tour semi-privato, per godersi il tour nella lingua richiesta (comunque soggetto a disponibilità). Potrebbero essere addebitati costi aggiuntivi per eventuali altre lingue straniere. Tutti i tour semi-privati sono tenuti in inglese e possono essere condivisi con altri clienti. I tour semi-privati non saranno più disponibili sul nostro sito. Si prega di prenotare il vostro tour privato al più presto, poiché le guide turistiche bilingue del tour sono prenotate con mesi di anticipo.

Muir Woods and Redwoods Tour Reviews and Testimonials


Wonderful Muir Woods & Point Reyes Experience

We went on two Golden Horizon Tours during our week in San Francisco. The tours were definitely highlighting of our trip to San Francisco . We scheduled the Muir Woods/Point Reyes and also the Napa Valley tour. We were very fortunate to have Adam as our tour guide during both trips. He was an amazing tour guide and greatly exceeded our expectations ! We would highly recommend Golden Horizon Tours, and especially Adam, to anyone visiting the area.

Ashley Perk

Raleigh, North Carolina


Wonderful 2-day tour of Muir Woods, SF, Point Reyes and Alcatraz

Our tour guide Adam was awesome! So nice and very enthusiastic about all aspects of the tour--he really seemed to enjoy it as much as we did. We visited Muir Woods, which was awe inspiring, traveled on some very winding roads and saw panoramic views from high on the mountain. Lots of wildlife--elephant seals, harbor seals, elk, cows(!),Quite a full day and one of the best tours we have taken anywhere! Highly recommend Golden Horizon Tours and Adam as your guide!

Cheryl R

Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey


Alcatraz , Muir Woods and Sausalito Combo Tour

Muir Woods and Alcatraz now require advanced booking, which we didn’t know. I’m so glad we found this company, they accommodated our last-minute request, and provided us with tickets to muir woods and Alcatraz... Leo is an amazing tour guide.


Stop reading reviews and book with Golden Horizons

Stop reading reviews and book with Golden Horizons. .... we highly recommend this tour company, their tour guides are passionate, fun and very knowledgeable. San Francisco is amazing city and Muir Woods is so beautiful and enjoyable. Highly recommend.


Unforgettable & fun day outdoor adventure with Adam

Our girl tribe had such a good trip up the coast with Adam. He was always engaging and funny - and we spotted a lot of animals that we wouldn't have otherwise. In addition to a great early stroll through Muir Woods, we saw whales, a bobcat, a coyote and the elk herd. Adam dropped us off in Sausalito where we dined on Dungeness Crab before taking the ferry back to the city. Loved the trip and would do it again (with Adam)!


Excellent San Francisco , Muir Woods and Sausalito Tour

My family had a great time on the tour and Mary was great. She was great with my four kids (ages 5, 7, 11, and 13) and kept the tour interesting for not only them but my wife, sister, and I as well. We would definitely recommend Golden Horizon Tours and Mary. Mary was absolutely wonderful. She was entertaining and full of so much knowledge of the area. We will definitely be a repeat customer our next trip to the Bay area and would like to go on many of the other tours that Golden Horizon Tours has to offer.

Scott C.

Raleigh, North Carolina


Outstanding Muir park & Point Reyes combo tour

My husband, daughters and my son , and I took a day tour of San Francisco, and second day adventure to Muir Woods/point Reyes and each with Adam to Muir Woods and Stinson Beach. Both trips exceed our expectations.


Amazing Day in Muir Woods & Pt Reyes!

Booking a private trip with Golden Horizon Tours was the best idea I have had in a long time!!! We have never done anything like this, and I was hopeful it would be exceeded our expectations!!!!!

Heather R.

Toronto, Canada


Muir Woods escapade adventure

A Beautiful and quiet forest of redwoods and majestic county with awesome landscape and views. I highly recommend this Muir Woods and Marin County outdoor adventure with Golden Horizon Travel, even If you are in average physical shape. There are all kind of stops and easy hikes along offering 360 degrees breathtaking views.


Alcatraz Island Tickets "The Rock"!

We took a tour with Golden Horizon as we got cancelled at last-minute by another company due to the lack of Alcatraz tickets, which we prepaid thru the interne, but, when we arrived at Fisherman's Wharf to embark the ferry, they had no reservations for us! Watch out when you book online and trust Golden Horizon reviews – they saved the day. You’ll not be disappointed


San Francisco & Alcatraz - Great Experience

I have always wanted to go to Alcatraz Island with my wife, and we finally got to do it. I consulted the online reviews and decided to go with Golden Horizon Travel. We booked Yosemite 3-day tour , Silicon Valley and San Francisco tours through them; they exceed our expectations.


Alcatraz prison evening tour.

We booked the Napa Valley and Alcatraz combo tour thru Golden Horizon tour, almost 2 months in advance, and we are so glad we did. It was so hard to find availability for Alcatraz night tour. Napa Valley is beautiful, and the wines are outstanding, but Alcatraz was our favorite experience.


Must See attraction while visiting San Fran!

Alcatraz and San Francisco combo tour is highly recommended. It’s super fun, informative and saves time. Great ride across the san Francisco bay, the ferry was crowded but it was cool. The walking tour with headphones is awesome and informative.


Alcatraz at night tour is spooky but awesome

Unfortunately, we were not able to get same day tickets to Alcatraz Island, but our tour guide managed to get us night tickets to Alcatraz prison the next day. We were so lucky and grateful - we even booked 2 more tours with this company – they are the best! Alcatraz at night is a must-see attraction for all visitors. The rangers’ talk and the audio-walking guided tour complete each other.


Alcatraz at night is a must-see activity

Alcatraz at night is a must-see activity while visiting San Francisco Bay Area. The now- abandoned maximum-security prison can be visited at night, and it’s much better than the day tour. Golden Horizon and Adam deserve 10 stars!


Alcatraz day trip from San Francisco

We recommend the San Francisco and Alcatraz tour package. We got to see the best places in the city and enjoyed a free afternoon walking tour at Alcatraz Island. The views of the city and the golden gate bridge from Alcatraz are spectacular.


Our Bucket List Overflowed

Our Bucket List Overflowed, a wonderful day in an amazing park with the perfect tour guide!

Katheryn Kennedy - London, UK


Breathtaking adventure in Yosemite Wonderland

Breathtaking adventure in Yosemite wonderland , and a great private tour of San Francisco combined with Alcatraz. We found this company on Trip Advisor & we were not disappointed!

The Jamesons. Cydney, Australia


The best experience ever!

A wonderful tour package in Yosemite National Park and Alcatraz with Adam. This tour has totally exceeded expectations! The best experience ever!

Erin M.

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


Unforgettable & Fantastic!

Unforgettable & Fantastic! trust their reviews and believe what you read on Trip Advisor; they are consumed professionals.

Chris G., Dallas, Texas


Just Magnificent & Just Stunning!

5-stars to our tour guide Adam, he made this journey unforgettable. He is an expert photographer too!

M. Hachadourian. Greenwich Village, New York


Fun, informative & very professional

10 Stars! Fun, informative, flexible, indulgent, patient,& very professional guides in a warm & engaging manner.

Jarmila Sramkova. Prague, Czech Republic


Believe every good thing you read about this tour company

Believe every good thing you read about this tour company; you will not be disappointed!

Mike and Jane - Nashville


Treated like King & Queen!

Treated like King & Queen! OUTSTANDING and A MUST See!! Without any hesitation, 5 stars!

Loreena’s family Madrid, Spain


They are consummate professionals

They are consummate professionals who really care a lot for their customers' wellbeing and experience- a must do!

Rob & Marhta Baton Rouge


Unforgettable experience!

Impressive! Their Ability of organization, understanding , customizing , entertaining , educating - make them the best at what they do. What unforgettable experience with Buddy!

Natasha C Calgary, Canada


Outstanding bucket-list destinations!

Outstanding tour package to Yosemite ,Mammoth Lakes , Sequoia national park , Death Valley , San Francisco and Alcatraz with Adam and Jonathan . I've run out of superlatives to describe this unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experience ...10 STARS + & Highly Recommended

Holly Millard- Holly Millard, IN


"Stop reading reviews and book with Golden Horizon!"

5-Star TripAdvisor Review

You won't be disappointed if you use Golden Horizon for all your tours! Top notch service!

Susan.S- McAllen, Texas


Top-Notch VIP Service!

5-Star TripAdvisor Review

A 6-star experience! Their tag line is to “exceed expectations” and they certainly delivered. From the moment of making a booking to the actual tours - Superb!



Wonderful Muir Woods & Point Reyes Experience

5-Star TripAdvisor Review

We went on two Golden Horizon Tours during our week in San Francisco. The tours were definitely highlighting of our trip to San Francisco . We scheduled the Muir Woods/Point Reyes and also the Napa Valley tour. We were very fortunate to have Adam as our tour guide during both trips. He was an amazing tour guide and greatly exceeded our expectations for the tour. He always took his time with us and made every effort to show us unique qualities about the places we visited.

He was also extremely generous with his time and worked hours over the scheduled end time for the tour. Our two girls, ages five and six, also loved spending time with him. He made the tours, including the Napa Valley tour, fun for the girls. We would highly recommend Golden Horizon Tours, and especially Adam, to anyone visiting the area.

Ashley Perk

Raleigh, North Carolina


Wonderful 2-day tour of Muir Woods, SF, Point Reyes and Alcatraz

Our tour guide Adam was awesome! So nice and very enthusiastic about all aspects of the tour--he really seemed to enjoy it as much as we did. He kept us laughing as well while keeping us informed about each place we drove by . He and my husband enjoyed talking about and spotting different birds on the tour. We visited Muir Woods, which was awe inspiring, traveled on some very winding roads and saw panoramic views from high on the mountain. Lots of wildlife--elephant seals, harbor seals, elk, cows(!), horses and lots of birds. Took a very windy walk up to the lighthouse at Point Reyes but the road down was closed. Had a great lunch and checked out Stinson Beach too. Quite a full day and one of the best tours we have taken anywhere! Highly recommend Golden Horizon Tours and Adam as your guide!

Cheryl R

Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey


Unforgettable & fun day in Muir Woods and Point Reyes

Our girl tribe had such a good trip up the coast with Adam. He was always engaging and funny - and we spotted a lot of animals that we wouldn't have otherwise. In addition to a great early stroll through Muir Woods, we saw whales, a bobcat, a coyote and the elk herd. Adam dropped us off in Sausalito where we dined on Dungeness Crab before taking the ferry back to the city. Loved the trip and would do it again (with Adam)!


Dallas, Texas


Excellent San Francisco , Muir Woods and Sausalito Tour

My family had a great time on the tour and Mary was great. She was great with my four kids (ages 5, 7, 11, and 13) and kept the tour interesting for not only them but my wife, sister, and I as well. We would definitely recommend Golden Horizon Tours and Mary. Mary was absolutely wonderful. She was entertaining and full of so much knowledge of the area.

We will definitely be a repeat customer our next trip to the Bay area and would like to go on many of the other tours that Golden Horizon Tours has to offer.

Scott C.

Raleigh, North Carolina


Best Way to see San Francisco with limited time

I chose a private tour with Golden Horizon Tours for a trip to San Francisco in late September. This was our first trip and with limited time, we wanted to see all the "must see" and not have to stress about it.

Mary, our tour guide, took us on a full-day tour that covered everything we wanted to see - San Francisco, Sausalito, Muir Woods, etc. It was so nice to be able to get out of the car, take pictures and Mary was there waiting for us when we finished. Also, no worries about parking spots - since the vehicle we were traveling in was considered "commercial", we got spots up close.

I would highly recommend a tour with Golden Horizon - a nice, stress-free way to see everything in a short period of time.


Athens, Georgia.


San Francisco, Muir Wood & Sausalito Private SUV Tour

I selected Golden Horizons based on the positive reviews on Trip Advisor and can honestly say it was everything we believed it would be and more. From the booking process to our arrival back to the hotel, everything was first class.

Patricia was a true professional and at the same time a warm, genuine person. We felt very comfortable with her right from the start and enjoyed her company. We never felt rushed and she went out of her way to ensure we saw everything listed in the tour description and was also open to any special requests.
Thanks for a memorable day!


Tampa, Florida


Best tour EVER

I would give Golden Horizon and our tour guide Leo, 10 stars if I could. Originally, I booked a Muir Woods tour for myself and two teenage nephews. We added on Point Reyes National Seashore and we all had the most amazing day! Leo was knowledgeable, funny and just great to be week. His attention to the details and the little things was above and beyond. The teenagers loved him. I have done many small/private tours and Golden Horizon and Leo are the best I have ever encountered. I booked this company based on internet reviews. If you are reading this, do not hesitate to book with them. You will not be disappointed...I’ll bet you will be beyond satisfied! Thank you, Leo! Thank you, Golden Horizon Travel.


Cheshire, Connecticut


Amazing Day in Muir Woods & Pt Reyes!

Booking a private trip with Golden Horizon Tours was the best idea I have had in a long time!!! We have never done anything like this, and I was hopeful it would be exceeded our expectations!!!!! Jon arrived early and was exactly where he said he be...he loaded us up and quickly got us out of the city. We instantly knew that the day was going to be special as Jon had so many different facts to share with us about the city and sites along the way. He was professional yet we both felt like we had known him for years. He knew all the perfect spots to stop along the way and seemed to anticipate every need before we did!!!! Thank you to Jon for making our day so special and memorable!!!!!!!!!! We would absolutely recommend!!!!!!

Heather R.

Toronto, Canada


Thanksgiving Family Trip to Redwoods & Wine County

Review of: Best Alcatraz Prison Tickets & San Francisco Combo Tour

We used Golden Horizon Tours to book a day trip from San Francisco to Armstrong Redwood Forrest and the Russian River Valley in Sonoma County to visit some wineries.

Our guide for the day was Mary, she picked us up promptly at 8:00 at our hotel in a nice Ford Expedition XL. There was a total of 5 in our group, my wife, my son, daughter and her husband. We had plenty of room and some really nice conversations while we traveled. Mary grew up in the area and had lot of stories about visiting the Redwoods and Russian River Valley as a kid. Our first stop was Armstrong Redwood Forrest, which is about an hour away. This Forrest is a little further north than Muir Woods, but it is a lot less crowded, no parking or entry fees and is a little older Forrest with larger older trees than Muir Woods. We had a nice 2 hour walk in the woods, it was extremely beautiful and relaxing.

We then went to Korbel Winery for a nice lunch and a free tour of the winery and free tasting. The Winery is beautiful, built in the 1880s and the tour was very interesting. I am not really a Champagne fan, but I really enjoyed the three we sampled, they were all quite good.

We then visited two other wineries, Merry Edwards Winery, which included a free tasting of 5 of their wines (4 Pinot Noirs and one Sauvignon Blanc). All 5 were great, we found out that the Russian River Valley is one of the best places in the world to grow Pinot Noir grapes, which happens to be one of our favorite wine types.

We then had an extremely nice and intimate wine tasting at Dutton Estate Winery. We were only supposed to get 4 tastings, but we received at least 6. We all sat around a fireplace and the rep would bring in a bottle, discuss it and then we would taste. We had tons of questions and some awesome discussions.

Mary than took us back to the Hotel, we got back around 6:15. All in all it was a great fun day and one of the highlights of our trip.

I would highly recommend Mary and Golden Horizons if you are planning a trip to the Bay area.


Fort Worth, Texas, United States


San Francisco in a Day

Our family of four took the private SUV all day San Francisco/Muir Woods combination tour. There's no way we would have seen so much if we would have tried to see it on our own. Our guide, Buddy, was very knowledgeable and accommodating to our needs and interests. He allowed us to spend as much or as little time at each stop as we wanted. He also made some great recommendations along the way. We had lunch and free time in Sausalito which was a nice break during the day.


Nazareth, Pennsylvania


Incredible trip with Leo.

This tour is well planned, informative and fun. Leo picked us up at our hotel early enough to get to the woods before the crowds. We practically had Muir Woods to ourselves. Leo was very informative on the drive about the scenery, and just in general, he really knows the area. He’ll walk with you through the woods, too. The pace was laid back and we never felt hurried. Then on to wine country, stopping in Napa first, then Sonoma. We had one tasting in Napa and two in Sonoma. Leo knows the best wineries and don’t be afraid to tell him what you are looking for, he will take you there. Our tour went half an hour longer than planned bc we had so much fun in wine country. Didn’t bother Leo’s cheerful attitude one bit. And he will take pictures of your group if you ask. Overall, a great experience and wonderful way to spend a day.

Jed F.

Denver, Colorado


Private SUV tour of Muir Woods and Muir Beach

Our guide Mary was very knowledgeable and energetic. She was also very kind and patient with our two kids. I would recommend taking a guided tour so your whole family can enjoy the views.


Indianapolis, Indiana


Best Muir woods tour

Had a great afternoon touring Muir Woods with Leo. He is a very knowledgeable and passionate tour guide who taught some great stuff! Leo is also a phenomenal picture taker and knows all the great spots to stop for the family photo ops! Highly recommend!

Erica G.


San Francisco & Muir Woods Sightseeing

We spend a superb day together with Patricia from Golden Horizon Torus. Patricia made us feel, as if some relative would be taking us through SF and its surroundings. Everybody enjoyed Patricia’s broad knowledge on historical as well as socio-cultural backgrounds of the bay area. We highly appreciated Patricia’s sensitivity towards the interest point of our three teenagers. And finally, Patricia understood that touring SF and Muir Woods was for us as important as some chasing up of some old family roots in Ross, Marin County. Thus, thanks to Patricia’s personal effort, Golden Horizon Tour lived up to our expectations completely! Our rating is eventually "six stars" ;-)

Nick W

Zurich, Switzerland


“Believe every good thing you read!”

My boyfriend and I signed up for a private tour on a Wine Country/Muir Woods tour. We were lucky enough to get Adam as our guide (again, believe every good thing you read about him!) who was not only on time in an immaculate SUV, but early! He took us to three wineries where everyone knew him, and we just had THE BEST experience. .... I hugged him goodbye because he felt like an old friend. My boyfriend and I agreed we would have paid $1,000 bucks EASY to go on another of his tours.




Senior Contributor


Muir Woods tour with Leo

Had the pleasure of being guided through the mystical, magical Muir Woods with the affable and kind Leo. He was knowledgeable, patient with energetic children (he wasn't fazed when one of the children threw up in his vehicle), and a lot of fun. On the ride home he sang songs of San Francisco to our delight. What a great day.

Martha H

South Dennis, Massachusetts


¡Excelente tour de Muir Woods y Alcatraz todo en un dia!

Teníamos solo unos pocos días en San Francisco y escogimos este tour privado que combina las dos atracciones en
el mismo dia, tuvimos suerte de que esta compañía tenia los tickets de Alcatraz.
El mejor Guía de san francisco sin duda alguna fue Adam, nos llevó a recorrer el bosque de sequoias en un vehículo
SUV de lujo
muy recomendable el servicio, todo incluido, hasta nos dejaron en el terminal para tomar el ferry de Alcatraz




Muir Woods, Stinson Beach and Point Reyes Private Charter

Our team spent a fantastic day visiting Muir Woods, Point Reyes and surrounding areas. Jon, the tour guide was great. He had such a friendly demeanor and was happy to customize the experience where possible. The team had a great time. Overall, I think their pricing and the variety of tours they offer is really great. Highly recommend, and I will definitely use them for our next adventure.



Excellent muir woods tour!

We took a tour of Muir Woods and visited two wineries, as well as lunch in Sonoma, on September 20th. Our tour guide, Jon, was excellent. He arrived promptly to pick us up for our tour and was friendly and very informative. Our tour lasted just as long as promised and we saw such beautiful countryside on our drive. The stop at the Golden Gate Bridge at the end of the day was icing on the cake. We learned a lot about the areas we visited, as well as San Francisco in general. I would do a tour with Golden Horizon again in a heartbeat, especially with Jon. Thank you for being a part of a once-in-a-lifetime, wonderful vacation!




Muir Woods Escapade Tour

Our large combined family of 13 enjoyed a fabulous day with Adam! He picked up 2 families at one hotel and the other family at their hotel which is very convenient. He was on time and super friendly, learning everyone's names and making us all feel welcome. Adam was very knowledgeable about each place we visited. He gave us in-depth information prior to our Muir Woods stops, did some impromptu easy rock climbing with our kids, made an effort to take lots of great pics of our family, assisted us in getting our big clan into a restaurant for lunch and more. We ended our day with an unexpected stop at the Golden Gate Bridge as it was the most visible it had been since we'd been in the city. Adam took us to a great look out point and our tour was extended an hour which we were very thankful for. We got some great pics with the bridge thanks to Adam! I would highly recommend this tour and thank you Adam for the fun-filled day!!




Day trip around San Francisco and Muir Woods!

Adam was WONDERFUL!! I can't say enough wonderful things about our day. I scheduled a private tour for my in-laws who only speak Spanish so they could understand what they were seeing. We were not disappointed! Adam, our tour guide, was THE BEST. He took us everywhere and was so gracious with his time. He also took beautiful pictures for us so we could focus on the sites. I think this tour is well worth the money and highly recommend this to anyone. The personal treatment made the extra $ well worth the expense.

Robyn W.



Outstanding! Fantastic Time!

We took part in Golden Horizons' "Wine Country and Muir Woods Combo Tour" this past week. Peter, our personal tour guide, completely exceeded our expectations. Everything was great, from the very beginning meeting us at our hotel, to the end as we made our way back into the city. While we initially thought the price was a bit high, the outcome made it completely worthwhile. The SUV was comfortable and very clean. Peter did a great job pointing out different things along the way. He did a great job informing us about the Muir Woods and varies wineries that we visited. Peter went out of his way to take a ton of pictures for us and even emailed a number of great shots that he took with his own camera.

I would highly recommend Golden Horizons to anyone considering a tour.

Thank you to Peter and Golden Horizon for a fantastic time!


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Perfect tour

Mary did an incredible job giving our family a private tour of the city and Muir Woods. She is patient, kind and very knowledgeable. What a treat to meet someone who is from the city. We definitely would not have been able to see all the sights and places on our own. Golden Horizon Tours is the only way to go!




Muir Woods with Mary

Spent a beautiful afternoon visiting Muir Woods and Sausalito with Mary as our tour guide. Since much of the time gets used up walking through the redwoods, we didn't ask for much personalization. Mary accommodated our request to stop at the GG bridge overlook for pictures, and we stopped for milkshakes in Sausalito. We also visited the Muir overlook to the ocean and saw a few whale spouts down below. She drove us by the mansions in Pacific Heights on the way back to our hotel. We liked the private vehicle for our more sensitive travelers who don't like windy roads, and not having to rush back to a pickup point due to a bus deadline.




Wonderful tour!!!

I took this tour with my granddaughter this past week, and we were not disappointed. We went to Point Reyes and then returned by way of Muir Woods. Our tour guide was the delightful Mary!! She gave us so much information regarding the history, geographical facts and anecdotes of the areas we saw. She was accommodating when we needed or wanted to stop along the way. It was also very easy to set up this private tour, and dealing with Nelly was a pleasure, too. I cannot recommend this company more highly and will look forward to taking a different journey with them the next time I am in San Francisco!!


San Antonio , Texas


A great tour company

We were in SF for two weeks and took two tours while we were there. i. Half day morning SF city tour and ii. Muir Woods and Sausalito tour . Our guide for both private tour, Jonathan was a superb guide. Knowledgeable, funny and a great driver. Private tour was really exclusive where pick up and drop off option at your choice, comfortable and clean SUV that was comfortable for us ( 5 adults and 1 toddler) flexible itinerary on the sights to see, guide was gracious enough to do repeat rounds to ensure we got a great picture of the sights we were seeing. Highly recommended!


Kuala Lumpur


Best tour experience with Adam !!

We spent the day touring Muir Woods, Napa and Sonoma with Adam. He was so fun, energetic and well knowledgable. This was definitely the highlight of our trip !!!

Seema H



Half-day tour to Muir Woods forest from San Francisco

Four of us took the Muir Woods tour with Mary. She was a wonderful tour guide. Not only did she give us a history lesson and lots of anecdotes on the way to Muir Woods she also took a scenic route through San Francisco and Sausalito. We saw and learned more in half a day than many tour groups do on a full day tour. Excellent tour!


Weston, FL


“Excellent wine country tour”

Had an amazing day with Golden horizon. Thank you so much. glad we booked following excellent comments on trip advisor. We booked a day tour which encompassed Muir woods and wine tasting in Sonoma. Our tour guide, john, was fantastic. He was so knowledgeable and went out of his way to talk to us, answer questions, take us off route to other places. He knew so much about the tour, The redwood trees, san Francisco. The day was superb and well worth the price of the semi-private tour. We saw other parts of San Francisco like pacific heights, the presidio and Lucas film studios and we had great photo opportunities of the golden gate bridge. All parts of San Francisco we would've have come across. This Was on top of Muir woods and then brilliant wine tasting. Lunch in Sonoma was also excellent, and John had local knowledge about the best places to eat. All in all a lovely relaxing day and would highly recommend it to all.


Lake Tahoe and PA


Great Tour.

We toured the city of San Francisco in the morning and Muir Woods in the afternoon. Jon was a great tour guide providing a historical and informative context to each location. Highly recommend using this tour company. They provided myself and my family a fantastic experience!

Tim C.



All Round Awesomeness!!!

We booked two tours with Golden Horizon Tours and could not have had a better experience all round. We booked a full day tour of San Fran, Sausalito and Muir Woods, and also did a two-day tour of Yosemite. Golden Horizon Tours were great communicators and were always available to answer my questions prior to and after booking. They were very professional and helpful at all times. We had Leo as our guide for our Yosemite tour and Buddy as our guide for our San Fran, Sausalito and Muir Woods tour. They were both absolutely fantastic!!! We couldn't have asked for two more thoughtful, friendly, good humored and helpful guys. They were super knowledgeable and full of invaluable information that totally enhanced our experience. It was a pleasure to be in their company. Both of them went out of their way to customize the tour to our interests. They have provided us with a lifetime of happy memories that we'll always treasure. Exploring Yosemite and San Fran on our own would have been a totally inferior experience. Thanks Leo and Buddy! You guys rock!


Sydney Australia


“San Francisco wine country tour”

Muir Woods Tour wine country tour review with a side trip to Monterey and Carmel: My mother recently had her 80th birthday. Having lost her husband, my father, 6 months ago, my sister Andrea C. and I decided to take my mother on a trip to California to refresh her mind and body. She is recovering from a stroke. She had never seen California before. We live on the East Coast. We wanted to see the redwoods in Muir Woods National Park , the pacific ocean , the wine country to visit some wineries in Napa , the golden gate bridge, the city of San Francisco and all the wonders found in San Francisco Bay area. We only had 4 days to see all these sights in California ....what to do? How do we make sure my mother is safe, comfortable, relaxed and enjoying these sights? Luck led to meet Adam at Golden Horizon Travel and tours. I spoke with Adam by phone, he understood our travel needs, and we arranged a two-day private tour coming muir woods and the wine country, San Francisco, Carmel and Monterey. My family cannot say enough good things about Adam and Golden Horizon tours. He was extremely kind, protective, proactive, knowledgeable from history to agriculture, multi-lingual, musical, humorous, interesting, a safe driver, great company, polite, a great teacher.... and the list can continue until all superlatives in the English language are exhausted. My mother is still talking about the trip to San Francisco Bay Area and how perfect it was even with the recent fires during our trip. Adam knew how to outsmart the smoke and the traffic. We saw everything we hoped for, and more without the trip being hectic or exhausting. The pace was comfortable, and we learned and experienced with joy. The tour was customized by Golden Horizon Travel to us and our unique situation. Adam did everything to be at my mother's arm at every doorstep and incline. He even borrowed a golf cart from a golfer at Pebble Beach in order to give my mother a ride, sparing her a steep, outside staircase. We did not need to ask...he intuitively knew how to help and be "present" to our needs. If you are considering a tour with Adam and Golden Horizon , I hope you will make a reservation. You will not be disappointed, and I will be happy to be a reference. Thank you, Golden Horizon and Adam. My mother is still boasting to all about you.

Happy Travels

Marisa de Paulis and Andrea -Hawn


“Outstanding Wine Tasting SUV Tour”

My friends and I did the Muir Woods and Wine Tasting Tour this past weekend with our amazing tour guide, John from New Zealand. He was very friendly and knowledgeable and made our transition from the mountains to the vineyards seamless. The SUV was clean, and John arrived/dropped off on time. We highly recommend this tour and this guide as you'll come out of it learning something and taking in some great outings that CA has to offer!

Monica A

New Haven, Connecticut, United States


“Best idea ever!”

We booked two days with Golden Horizon tours and loved it. We wanted to do extensive wine tasting for 2 days without having to worry about the best places to go or how to get there. Jon was the perfect guide! The wide range of vineyards from small family owned to huge tasting rooms meant we were never bored. The second morning of our wine tasting adventure we stopped at Muir Woods for several hours. It a magical, lovely place. If you want first class, worry free vacation days, I highly recommend this company.

Kristine S


Senior Reviewer


San Francisco Muir Woods Park & Sausalito Private Combo Tour

The first thing I said to Patricia on finishing the tour was 'It was like a friend was showing us her own city'. I would recommend this tour for anyone who would like that little bit extra of San Francisco. We had been to San Francisco once before and had seen the main tourist attractions, but this tour shows you that little extra. We had done the private tour, so it seemed to go at our pace, which the kids enjoyed more. I give this tour and Patricia a definite 5 stars. Hang on to Patricia she is worth every cent to your company. An amazing lady.


Beerwah, Australia


“Best tour service in the Bay area!”

We purchased the private tour and were pleasantly surprised. Everything about the day was perfect. Adam was well versed on every detail of the wine making progress. He also knew all of the wine makers so in most instances, we received priority service. He was also happy to take our photographs and often directed our photos, so we got better shots. We opted to be dropped off in Sausalito and took the ferry back to San Francisco. Adam's suggestions for lunch in Sonoma and dinner in Sausalito were both fantastic. I have nothing but good things to say about the entire day.


Senior Reviewer


Muir Woods Escapade and Yosemite Falls 1-day Tour

We enjoyed having Jon as our tour guide for both private tours. Jon is very knowledgeable in a lot of things, especially facts about places we went to. He knows all the hot spots and very entertaining. Nelly was great to work with. She helped us booked both private tours. Both the suv and van were nice and clean. Thanks

Hall H.

Dallas, Texas


“Great Tour and Great Tour Guide”

We recently completed a private SUV tour with Golden Horizon Travel to the Wine Country and Muir Woods national park redwoods. My family's and my expectations were exceeded in every way thanks to our tour guide, Buddy. The communications with Golden Horizon tour office were great all along the way, my questions were answered promptly, and everything went according to the description on the website without a single hitch. He even went beyond the call of duty by letting us get off at a destination in Sausalito on the way home, and then personally delivered our wine purchases to our hotel (so we didn't have to lug them around). We could not have been more satisfied with everything about our day and we completely recommend this Golden Horizon Travel Company and Buddy as a tour guide!


Dallas, Texas


“Redwoods and wine country”

We had a private tour to Muir woods and wine country in June with Patricia. We really enjoyed our time and would highly recommend it to anyone. We highly recommend this company

Holly M

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, United States


“Fabulous Wine Country Tour- Napa/Sonoma Valley with Adam”

We were truly spoiled with such a wonderful private SUV tour with Adam from Golden Horizon Tours our knowledgeable and fun-loving host! Adam's bright, warm, friendly, enthusiastic attitude made this small intimate tour for 6 ladies go well beyond our expectations. The vineyards chosen were all very special and unique with little things like the on-board bottled water, pictures sent to us afterwards, wine tasting DVD, and especially the music as we headed out from lunch just adding to our incredible day. A large bus tour would have missed out on these magical moments. Highly recommend a tour with Adam to any visitors who would be traveling to the San Francisco area. We just couldn't stop smiling!


Winnipeg, Canada


“Absolutely perfect thanks to Patricia!”

We booked a private tour for the Muir Woods and Wine Country , we were picked up on time by our wonderful guide Patricia. If you book this trip you should ask if you can request her. She was professional, genuine, knowledgeable and accommodating. We couldn't have asked for a better tour guide. She went out of her way to make us feel comfortable and that we got the most out of our tour. We never felt rushed and Patricia also showed us other parts of the city and made recommendations for things to see and do, you won't be disappointed. Muir woods was breathtaking. Just absolutely beautiful. It was even sprinkling but the weather didn't affect our trip one bit. After the woods, we headed to Sonoma where we visited 2 wineries (Jacuzzi and Larson) and had lunch at an Italian restaurant (Della Santinas)., which was very good. You get to choose where you want to eat, and Patricia described your options. On the way back she took us to an overlook where we had a wonderful view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Perfect way to end the tour. I researched many other tours before deciding on Golden Horizon and I definitely made the right choice. Extremely happy, it was perfect! Not one complaint! We plan on returning for Yosemite and will book this company again! Thanks, so much Patricia!


Corpus Christi, Tx



“Muir woods and wine country with Jon”

I chose to go with a private tour for two reasons. First, all the group tours met very early and we were coming off a cruise ship and worried about getting off late and missing the tour. The second reason was being on our own schedule and being able to customize our tour. Jon met us right outside the cruise terminal on time. We were able to plan our day and started out for Muir Woods. We got there before the bus loads and were leaving as the crowds arrived. Jon was very knowledgeable about the wine region and we valued his input on which wineries to visit. For anyone not wanting to deal with bus tour and wanting to have input on the itinerary I highly recommend this company.




“Muir Woods and Sonoma Wineries Tour-Outstanding”

We took the Muir Woods and Winery Tour on a Sunday from San Francisco. The online reservation process was seamless, and our guide promptly picked us up in a new comfortable SUV (with a bottle of water for each of us). We made our first stop at Muir Woods in the morning-we were never rushed and given ample time for walking, bathroom break and gift shop. From there we did one of two winery stops (excellent tastings, small growers-we loved it). We had a nice lunch break in between with good restaurant suggestions, one of which we took the bottle of cab we just bought at the winery. Our guide suggested dropping us off in Sausalito for dinner and taking the ferry back to San Francisco, which we did to take in the wonderful bay views of the city and the Golden Gate Bridge. Travel tip: the ferry is very affordable, and it takes 45 minutes to get to the city, I would book another tour with Golden Horizon without hesitation.



Top Contributor


“Excellent napa and muir woods tour”

my family and i had an excellent tour with Jon. It was absolutely top class, very kind and customer focused. Knows a lot about the places visited, he gave us enough time on our own so we wouldn’t feel any time pressure, he made sure we were relaxed and had as good a tour as possible.

thank you


Manila, Philippines



Great Private Tours in San Francisco and Muir Woods!!

We were a group of 7 that booked 2 separate days with Golden Horizon Tours. We were lucky enough to have Mary as a guide both days. Mary was struggling with a cold on day 1, but with only a half day with us, she was able to get some rest. Day 1 tour consisted of a trip to Muir Woods, Sausalito and drop off at Alcatraz pier. Mary picked us up in a luxury SUV and was a great guide and driver. She's a lifetime San Francisco resident and was a wealth of knowledge. She was very patient with our 3 daughters and also kind and courteous to the adults. After a short walk into Muir Woods, she left us to explore on our own for about an hour. After a quick stop in Sausalito for lunch, we were dropped at the Alcatraz pier with plenty of time. Golden Horizon had obtained these tickets for us. The next day Mary was back to pick us up at our hotel for a full day tour of San Francisco. We trekked all over the city. We saw many iconic sights stopped for many pictures and even did some souvenir shopping. Again Mary was patient with my kids! We would never have been able to see all of these sights on our own. We appreciate that Golden Horizon offered these tours for us to get the most of our time in San Francisco. I'll be honest that I was a little leery when the manager at our hotel had never heard of Golden Horizon Tours. Thankfully it worked out great! Our tour was set to end at 6pm. We didn't return to the hotel until closer to 6:30. Mary didn't rush us or comment on the extra time of our tour. We never felt rushed and didn't fell like we missed out on anything. Mary even spent some time talking to my father (who isn't very talkative) about his time in the army and his time in the San Francisco/Oakland area). Mary was very personable and made sure we got the most of our tour. If you are looking for a personal tour of San Francisco, choose Golden Horizon Tours! You won't regret it.


Little Falls, Minnesota


Customized tours to Muir Woods and Yosemite

Both our tours to Muir Woods and Yosemite NP were flawless and unforgettable, also thanks to Jon, the best tour guide ever! We asked for customized private tours and everything went smoothly from the beginning. The tour company also booked for us a horse riding tour in Point Reyes, right after our visit to Sausalito and Muir Woods National Monument, where we could walk among beautiful redwoods trees. Jon is attentive, incredibly knowledgeable, a true expert of the area, and I suspect of all western national parks. He knew exactly were to stop so we could take the perfect pictures, and during our first day inside Yosemite we even spotted a young black bear and a few deers in the wild. He suggested the right trails for us, according to the age of my son and our interests. We were interested in seeing the giant sequoias and he knew exactly were to go even if the main grove is currently closed for a restoration project. We felt perfectly safe and comfortable at all times. I will definitely book another tour with this company during my next visit to California, and hopefully Jon will be our tour guide again!

Laura C.

Milan, Italy


Exceptional Tours!

There are not enough superlatives to adequately describe this tour company. I have booked private tours in numerous countries around the world, and Golden Horizon ranks with the best. I booked a half day Muir Woods tour and a full day San Francisco Ultimate city tour. Our group was blessed with two informed and personable guides – Tom and Mary! Both of our guides had extensive knowledge and were genuinely interested in us and our interests. You can tell if someone is genuinely enjoying their job or simply putting their hours on a time clock. I used this company because of its reputation and its ability to accommodate our needs. One of our party had recently had surgery and was somewhat limited in the amount of walking able to be done. I had questioned how this might impact our tours through their online chat and received accurate information on the amount walking that might be required. I consulted the online chat twice and was impressed with the representative’s knowledge and familiarity with the tours and what I had booked. It was simply EXCELLENT customer service! Any communication was promptly responded to within a very reasonable amount of time (minutes). Both SUVs were clean, well maintained and roomy for our party of 5. If you are considering a private tour, I highly recommend this company. Thanks Tom and Mary!


St. Petersburg, Florida



Our experience was completely satisfactory. For a decent and fair price, you get real customer service. Know what you want, ask for it, and you will get it from young, committed, hardworking travel agents. If you take the redwoods tour, be sure to take in the Loleta cheese...




Muir Woods and Wine Country Tour

Who said that we couldn’t do Muir Woods and Wine country? We did in one day with Golden Horizon Travel, our tour guide allowed us to spend an hour in Muir Woods National Park and looked at the coastal Redwoods, he showed us the many loops to walk around and then our tour went to Sonoma Wine Country to tastes some of the most delicious wines of the Country, we liked the Zinfandel, the chardonnay, and also the dessert wines and we met a winemaker who kindly explained us the savor, aroma and legs of the wines. He was so educational, and the tasting wines were all free thank you Adam for the complementary wine tasting. Muir Woods and Wine Country Tour is a full day tour you can do both and have fun. We all thank for offering such small group and personalized tours.




“Believe every good thing you read!”

After doing some major researching for a trip to SF I decided based on Trip Adviser reviews to book a tour with Golden Horizon Tours. At first their prices (which really aren't bad at all for what you get!) kind of made me gag- but trust me, paying these folks to take you around is worth every.single.penny... we just had THE BEST experience. We then went to Sonoma Square where again Adam knew everyone and told us exactly what we should/shouldn't do. After driving a little around Sonoma and seeing some beautiful houses, we headed to Muir Woods and then Muir Beach... AWESOME! 5 STARS!


Clemson22- Charleston


Muir Wood & Sausalito morning tour

We enjoyed a great morning tour with Mary picking us up at the new cruise pier while our ship was in port. Mary was very friendly and knowledgeable, also a careful driver on the windy roads leading to Muir Wood. She was very accommodating with dropping us off in Sausalito to meet up with friends, while continuing of with our traveling companions back to San Francisco and on to the ship pier. The four of us had a most enjoyable tour.


Destin, Florida


Guía Excepcional Para Un Tour Fantastico Y Muir Woods

Hicimos City Tour completo por San Francisco y del parque de Muir Woods con guía en nuestro idioma, llamado Buddy. Éramos 6 adultos y 1 niño. Debo destacar y resaltar la profesionalidad y maravillosa capacidad de Buddy para enseñarnos una ciudad fantástica con un conocimiento llamativo, gran carisma y un extraordinario respeto, sólo alcanzado por un profesional vocacional como sin duda lo es Buddy. ¡¡¡Sin miedo a equivocarme, en mi experiencia en turismo internacional NUNCA tuve otro Guía igual!!! Todo en un marco perfecto de corrección del vehículo proporcionado y puntualidad exacta. Muchas gracias y por demás recomiendo con creces este Tour y empresa. ¡¡Ojalá les toque Buddy!! ¡¡¡Si es así hagan llegarle SLDS de los uruguayos!!!

Mau Orozco



Outstanding Muir Woods and Napa Valley experience

Our tours of San Francisco, Muir Woods and the famous Wine Country were amazing. Adam, of Golden Horizon Travel, was the perfect host. He not only took us to all the important sites but also to lesser-known areas, so we could enjoy the local flavor. We loved every minute of our experience, which was truly enhanced by Adam's personal and friendly manner. Would we travel with Golden Horizons Travel again ! In a New York...I mean...In a San Francisco minute!

M. Matis

Cleveland, Ohio


Totally private and customized tour to the Redwood National Park just for us!

We hired this company to take us to the redwood national park, we loves hiking and we wanted to see the real big trees. The company offers package with accommodation included which is a very good option as you don’t know the area. The SUV was super clean and big for all our luggage. Fantastic 3 day tour, highly recommended

Giuli David

Lima, Peru


San Francisco, Muir Woods y Sausalito Combo Tour:

El tour estuvo muy bien, muy completo. Nos paseó por toda la ciudad sin escatimar en nada. Tanto el tour como el guía lo puntuó con un 5 porque es la máxima puntuación que hay que si no sería superior. Es la segunda vez que visitamos San Francisco y la segunda vez que escogemos sus servicios y por casualidad Buddy también lo tuvimos la primera vez y tanto la primera como la segunda para mí y mi familia fue un acierto absoluto que recomiendo a todos mis conocidos.

¡Felicidades por su trabajo!

Frankxyn Yomaz



Recomendado si quieres conocer San francisco y Muir Woods todo en un dia.

Exente experiencia desde la contratación, Nelly me soluciono a miles de Kilómetros las reservas, Luís el guía ,un argentino cordobés de sepa Guia excelente ,Educado servicial con experiencia , recomiendo 100% experiencias únicas ya que son tours privados onerosos comparativamente , pero conoces todo y con posibilidad de interactuar con los guias permanentemente y modificar los itinerarios de acuerdo a tus necesidades


Bahia Blanca, Argentina


Day tour of San Fran

I would book with Golden again for sure. Mr. Tom was wonderful, patient, and so informative! We had an amazing day seeing the city, Muir Woods, and Sausalito. I asked lots of questions that Mr. Tom would answer with complete respect. Thank you for a memorable day!!!




Great day out

We took the Muir woods Sonoma combo tour. Driver Jon was great - very relaxed pace and customized to our preferences. Vehicle was clean and comfy. Winery choices in Sonoma were great as well as the lunch recommendations. Muir Woods is a nice place to spend a few hours in the morning.


Toronto, Canada


Thanks, Patricia! We NEVER Get Tired of Visiting "Muir Woods!"

Review of: Best Alcatraz Prison Tickets & San Francisco Combo Tour

We'd been to San Francisco twice before, so had pretty much seen all of the touristy stuff. However, there was one place we'd been to that I needed to visit again. And that place was Muir Woods!

I searched on TA and came upon "Golden Horizon Tours," which especially interested us, because they offered Private Van Tours of various locations in San Fran.

When I called, I spoke with a very knowledgeable and patient gentleman who answered all of my questions. Immediately after I booked our tour with him I received my email confirmation and Tour Voucher exactly as promised.

When our Cruise Ship arrived in San Fran we were scheduled to disembark at Pier 34; but, were taken, instead, to a brand new Cruise Terminal at Pier 27. We were its first passengers!! We didn't know that our Pier location had changed and neither did Patricia, our Tour Guide. Despite this, she was only a few minutes late getting to us, and we were then on our way.

She was a wonderful Tour Guide!!! Not only was she patient, polite and knew her city extremely well, but she was able to pull from us the things we'd hoped to see, tailoring our tour to exactly meet our needs!! We especially enjoyed her "take" on Muir Woods. She shared with us her attitude of respect, awe, wonder and appreciation. In fact, it was almost a kind of reverence; and, we felt it as well.

We'd planned to fit Sausalito in after Muir Woods (we'd been there before), but we were enjoying the information Patricia was sharing about the neighbourhoods so much, that we decided not to go to Sausalito! Our fave was a Boathouse Community that invited people to stop and wander around! She also provided us with fantastic, factual information, but in a way that was very interesting! By the time our tour was over, we had learned SO many things about San Fran that were new for us, despite our two previous visits.

Patricia was great, in that she was knowledgeable enough to tailor our tour to what we wanted to see. She was also an extremely careful and safe driver, and at no time did we feel unsafe, or as if she was not focusing on the task at hand. She was more than capable of doing both at the same time AND doing them extremely well!!

We highly recommend "Golden Horizon," and more specifically, Patricia, as your choice for a driving tour of San Francisco. We really enjoyed our time with her and never felt rushed. We returned to our cruise ship in plenty of time, filled with LOTS of new info about one of our favourite cities! Thanks, Patricia. You made our third visit to San Fran even more memorable!


Ontario, Canada


Muir Woods/SF Alcatraz

Review of: Best Alcatraz Prison Tickets & San Francisco Combo Tour

The wife and I took two private tours the first was San Francisco/Alcatraz and the second was Muir Woods/Sausalito. Our tour guide Jon had a wealth of knowledge of the history of San Francisco as well as Muir Woods and Alcatraz. Our whole experience was awesome! we were aloud to make the changes we wanted to which was great it gave us more time in Muir Woods as well as the other places that we wanted to see. It was a wonderful surprise when Jon took us to a couple of places that were not on the itinerary. I would highly recommend any of the tours we took as well as any others Golden Horizon has to offer as I'm sure they are just as wonderful. I know that if we are ever back in the area we will certainty use this service again. Thank you for the great experience.

Joe T

Evans, Colorado


top-notch !

A 6-star experience ! Their tag line is to exceed expectations and they certainly delivered. From the moment of making a booking (a shout-out to Nelly at the office - most helpful !) to the actual tours - superb ! Our guide John took us on two tours : a day tour to Muir Woods / Sausalito / SF city tour, and a day tour to Yosemite. He was very knowledgeable, accommodating and friendly. John knows the best routes and the best spots


Singapore, Singapore


Muir Woods tour

Our Golden Horizon experience was 5 stars.

The tour that was described on the website is what was delivered - no bad surprises!
Our guide Mary arrived promptly and was friendly and welcoming.
The vehicle was comfortable and clean.
Mary took us to many interesting and beautiful places around SF.
She had lots of great stories to share and was very knowledgeable about the sights she showed us.
Mary is articulate, bright, funny and clearly a people person. We thoroughly enjoyed our Golden Horizon tour and would not hesitate to recommend your company to others.


Toronto, Canada


Muir Woods tour

Patricia was fantastic and we loved our tour of Muir Woods! She is very knowledgeable, extremely familiar with SF and the surrounding areas, obviously an experienced guide - and her Irish accent is just lovely! Our trip to Muir Woods was a highlight of our SF experience. We HIGHLY recommend.


Porland, ME


Muir Woods Mt. Tamalpais, Stinson Beach, Sausalito Escapade Adventure Tour by SUV

Oh, my goodness, what an incredible experience! From the time Leo picked the 6 of us up at our hotel, to the time he delivered us back there, was awesome! Leo was extremely knowledgeable, interesting, friendly, funny, courteous, and provided us with a day filled with magical experiences we'll never forget! I've been on many, many tours over the last 30 years, and nothing compares to our experience with Leo! Our only regret is we didn't book our other tour with Golden Horizon Tours and Leo! Next time!

Marcia D


A day trip to Armstrong redwoods and the Russian Valley

We booked the Russian Valley and Redwoods tour, this place is called Armstrong redwoods, located by Guernville, it's a unique and peaceful and a nice getaway from Muir Woods traffic and large crowds. There are easy trails and large redwoods in this park, fountains, benches and cozy gift shop. The wineires in this area are small and more laidback than the wineries of Napa Valley. i recommend this trip and redwood forest.

Marggie Gaillo

Seattle, Washington


Two unforgettable days in San Francisco and off the beaten path.

I searched trip advisor and found this tour company which was highly recommended so I got in touch with them and from the get go the whole trip became magical.
Nelly was my point of contact and helped me reach the best options for what we wanted also thumbs up on her great Spanish.
She set me up on two tours. Both with Spanish speaking guides.Buddy picked us up promptly at the scheduled time at our hotel lobby in a great SUV and showed us San Francisco detailing historical and architecture all facts of the city. He was kind and accommodating on taking pictures, so the memories were there and the stories in our hearts. Hard to think of someone who knows San Francisco as good as him. Also, extremely fluent in Spanish.
Second day we got Adam, whose expertise in the "off the beaten path" was only exceeded by his passion for photography and nature. We visited Sausalito, Golden Gate Bridge, Muir Woods and Stinson beach where we stopped at the Parkside cafe where lunch was superb, and the staff could not have been more friendly. We climbed up the hill where Adam showed us the most spectacular views of San Francisco. He later dropped us off at the ferry while taking our things to the hotel. We definitely started with a tour guide and left with a friend. My wife and I will not consider visiting San Francisco again without touching base with Nelly. A final thanks goes to San Francisco for giving us two very beautiful days weather wise...leaving the fog out enough time to get spectacular photos.


Siguatepeque, Honduras


A friend and I had a private tour of the Red Wood Forests with Golden Horizon Tours.

Our tour was excellent, in great measure because of our tour guide, Adam. He did everything possible to make our tour safe, enjoyable, eventful, interesting and just an overall wonderful experience which fulfilled our long-time dreams. I have already recommended the tour and Adam to some friends who are interested in having the great experience we had. Thank you for such a talented and caring tour guide.


Hartsdale, New York

guided-tour-of-SanFrancisco-Bay-and-Alcatraz -island-prison-tour-with-tickets-incuded.JPG

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recensioni autentiche da trip advisor

  • La nostra incredibile esperienza nel lago Tahoe e Reno

    La nostra avventura sul Lago Tahoe e Reno da San Francisco è stata straordinaria e indimenticabile grazie al personale attento di Golden Horizon Travel e alla guida turistica.

    Gabriela & Oscar Reyes, Lima, Peru

  • Vacanze da sogno a Tahoe, Yosemite e Mammoth Lakes     

    Mia moglie ed io vogliamo che tu sappia quanto ci siamo divertiti a Tahoe e Yosemite, abbiamo adorato viaggiare con la tua compagnia

    Bob and Faith, , Australia

  • La nostra incredibile esperienza nel lago Tahoe e Reno

    La nostra avventura sul Lago Tahoe e Reno da San Francisco è stata straordinaria e indimenticabile grazie al personale attento di Golden Horizon Travel e alla guida turistica.

    Gabriela & Oscar Reyes, Lima, Peru

  • Un'esperienza memorabile del tour combinato Tahoe-Yosemite

    Fidati delle recensioni dei nostri tour su trip advisor al 100%, hanno guadagnato la nostra soddisfazione, hanno un ottimo servizio clienti e guide turistiche fantastiche.

    Lucia & Rogelio Mérida, Messico

  • Tahoe e Yosemite; deve vedere le destinazioni in California

    Tahoe è un posto da vedere e Yosemite è il gioiello della corona della California, offrono incredibili attività all'aperto per famiglie con bambini

    Jimmy & family, Belize

  • Il lago Tahoe è stupendo e spettacolare!  

    Anche se non sei un fan delle attività all'aria aperta, Tahoe merita il lungo viaggio in auto da San Francisco. Questa è una destinazione da non perdere con notevoli attrazioni.

    Martha Frierrs, Alabama

  • Esperienza di tour di Lake Tahoe e Yosemite

    Che fantastico viaggio intorno al Lago Tahoe dopo un'avventura personalizzata di 3 giorni di luoghi e attrazioni del parco nazionale Yosemite - una destinazione meravigliosa.

    Chris G., Dallas, Texas

  • Un'esperienza a 5 stelle su Yosemite e Tahoe

    Il nostro pacchetto turistico di 3 giorni per le meraviglie del Lago Tahoe, le principali attrazioni di Gold Country e il Parco nazionale Yosemite è stato eccellente, emozionante e memorabile!

    Nicky & Bannysh., Kolkata (Calcutta), India

    Perché scegliere noi?
  • Scegliere la qualità più che la quantità

~Il nostro obiettivo è superare le vostre aspettative~

        100% Attività Locale accreditata e con sede in San Francisco dal 2004
    •  100% di recensioni incredibili su TripAdvisor, BBB + A rating & altro
    •  100% di tranquillità; Prenotazioni senza problemi & Pacchetti viaggio senza preoccupazioni
    •  100% Tour operator affidabile e con licenza dal 2004
    •  100% Tour personalizzati e su misura & Libertà di personalizzazione a la carte
    •  Itinerari unici & Esperienze uniche a 5 stelle garantiti
    •  Servizi di alto livello & di prima classe – Niente spese nascoste & Soddisfazione Garantita
    •  Servizio clienti superiore & incredibile, sempre disponibile e contattabile
    •  Premi eccezionali tra cui TripAdvisor, BBB A+ Rating, Gold Award of Business Credibility Trust + SF Travel & Convention Bureau Award & altri
    •  Esperienze di viaggio autentiche e destinazioni uniche non disponibili altrove
    •  Tour Operator amichevole e familiar + Appassionati della zona & Guide turistiche amanti del divertimento e multilingue
    •  Veicoli di lusso, andate dove volete & viaggiate con i vostri ritmi
    •  Clienti VIP di alto profilo; specialisti nel servizi personalizzati di viaggi al top
    •  Tecnologia più recente: Sito web sicuro + Carrello acquisti sicuro & criptato

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Redwood National Park attractions vacation package California Parks Activities